general budget

英 [ˈdʒenrəl ˈbʌdʒɪt] 美 [ˈdʒenrəl ˈbʌdʒɪt]

n.  总预算,一般预算



  1. There was a general acceptance that the defence budget would shrink.
  2. In general sense, budget can perform four functions: ( 1) coordination ( 2) communication ( 3) motivation ( 4) control.
  3. Codeless Design of General Project Budget System
  4. The island's Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics says weak overseas demand for exports was primarily to blame for the decline.
  5. The fire fighting station and emergency life saving station are outsourcing projects, and are to be accounted into the general budget estimate after the outsourcer completes preliminary design estimate investment.
  6. Construction design is an important component of documents on water conservancy and hydropower project design, and is also an important basis for formulating investment estimate, general budget estimate and bid invitation documents of a project.
  7. However urgent, it represents a challenge for many governments as the programs would be funded by the general budget, which are often strain to meet the needs of existing programs.
  8. Governmental reward fund shall be arranged in the general budget or fund budget of finance.
  9. Calculation Points of General Estimate and Budget Programming for Highway Engineering
  10. General budget refers to involving capital budget and material assets budget into the budget system, so carrying out general budget should be based on value management of material assets.
  11. According to the summary statements of local budget authorities, the general performance of state budget in 1999 is quite satisfactory.
  12. Tanzania is one of only a handful of countries to request that donors give funds to their general budget rather than to specific health projects, such as immunisation programmes.
  13. The Evaluation and Choice of Jumping-off Point Theory of General Budget
  14. A Study on the Model of General Budget Compilation System Applied in the Technological Transformation of Electric Wire Netting
  15. Talk about general budget management of hospital
  16. Forecasting Model and Empirical Research on the General Budget Revenue of Regional Finance
  17. Improvement of the Content of General Financial Budget Accounting from the Government Expense and Receipt Classification
  18. Guiding general budget, innovating enterprise account system
  19. Problems on General Budget Management in Oil Field Companies and the Countermeasure
  20. Strengthening general budget management to enhance the efficiency of hospital
  21. General Economic Budget for the Highway Enterprises
  22. Budget expenditure performance evaluation system is for the general budget expenditure performance management. Under the budget expenditure performance evaluation system, the strategic objectives and overall direction of the school overall development budget expenditure performance indicators can be evaluated in performance.
  23. Finally, need for social security budget and the general public budget, state-owned capital management budget of the relationship of clear.
  24. In order to prove the existence of general equilibrium, the budget constraints need to be setup properly.
  25. This component is the general theory of public affairs budget.
  26. In order to better evaluation of university budget expenditure performance, this paper presents the performance management of the university budget is divided into general performance management and project budget expenditures of the consolidated budget expenditures.
  27. Tax revenue is the main part of general budget revenue, however, its proportion declines gradually, especially in central region. 2.
  28. Including general budget revenue in the proportion of total fiscal revenue, tax revenues accounted for the proportion of general budget revenue, tax revenue and non-tax revenue growth, internal structure of tax revenues and so on.
  29. However, Fiscal General Budget Accounting System that is implemented in our country at present has many disadvantages, so that it can not meet the needs of government debt information.